

Pro-Flo? Series
As the industry’s workhorse, the time-tested Pro-Flo? Series combines elegant simplicity with robust and reliable performance that end users have come to depend on for more than 20 years.

Pro-Flo? Series

As the industry’s workhorse, the time-tested Pro-Flo? Series combines elegant simplicity with robust and reliable performance that end users have come to depend on for more than 20 years. With its wide range of sizes and material offerings, end users count on the Pro-Flo Series to deliver the consistent performance promised for challenging applications.

Ideally suited for industrial applications calling for a durable chemical pump or oil pump, the Pro-Flo Series utilizes a simplified air distribution system (ADS) technology with only three moving parts, enabling it to be simple to operate and efficient with an easy-to-repair design. Featuring a plastic center block and lube-free operation, the Pro-Flo Series provides you with the flexibility and reliability you need for your application.

Features and Benefits

  • Proven design for more than 20 years
  • Ultra reliable
  • Has only three moving parts, meaning less downtime and simplified maintenance
  • Features plug-and-play operation
  • Mechanically actuated, no electronic parts, submersible, no additional configuration or complicated curves


  • Chemical
  • Paint & Coatings
  • Mining
  • Oil & Gas
  • Water & Wastewater
  • Liquid Terminals
  • Process




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